I felt this information was important enough to send to everyone who is a part of my team. I know this was posted on FB as well, but sometimes we just skim those posts! Marijo
All the Thank you'S to Heather Mahon Estey, leader of the shine team for this post::
I know a lot of us use Facebook in some form or fashion in our business and especially in the beginning by for new business builders we want them to have the most success. So here are a few things I have gathered from different areas concerning posting on Fb.
All copied.
I know a lot of us use Facebook in some form or fashion in our business and especially in the beginning by for new business builders we want them to have the most success. So here are a few things I have gathered from different areas concerning posting on Fb.
All copied.

There's a reason she is Lindsay Moreno, you guys!!!!
She always takes it to the next level. If the way you’re sharing is not working for you, you might be posting the wrong way.
Do you want to sell a kit?
When you do...drop
🙋🏼♀️ below!

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"Okay peeps, another teachable moment today. Another one for my small group that I have been seeing pop up in my feed. I want our group to avoid posting for no reason.
You wanna be great at sales? You can be. It's a skill. Like many skills, some are taught early without asking (which is how I learned a lot about sales...through watching) and some have to learn on purpose. Selling is a skill. One big part of this skill is being able to identify the customer's pain point. Yesterday I was watching a little web video intro to a workshop I'm getting ready to do and he brought up pain points and I wanted to stand and clap for him. "All the yes!" I wanted to shout, "you get it!"
We sometimes refer to this as an underlying need and I've touched on it in the "people buy holes not drills" posts in the past and in my talks. It's integral to our businesses.
Here's a little excerpt from an INC Magazine article, I love: "Pain is a reminder that unless your prospect has a need to solve a problem, they are not going to buy a product. Customers sometimes buy things spontaneously without thinking through what they actually need. But, often, there is an underlying reason for a purchase, even if the buyer doesn’t bring it to the surface."
So, the next question you should have is, how do you know your customer's pain point?
Let's start with the NO-NO:
this is something I see ALL THE TIME on social media. Stop making it all about you. Telling your story is great but just saying "I love this combo" isn't attracting people. You're just saying something to hear yourself talk at that point. Your posts have to have a point and the object of every post should be to connect through a common pain point. Your pain is their pain and if that's true, you get them. If you're selling something, what you say cannot be about you, it needs to be about them. Mark Sussta calls this action "crocodile-ing;" Really big mouth and really small ears.
"Thank God for these two oils today!"
What does this mean to your people?
Where's the pain point?
Where's the pain point?
You just wasted your 1:5 opportunity to connect with your people. I see this a lot on the whole work thing. Like, "look how hard I work, I need these oils" which is basically just a pat on our own backs and pretends to touch a pain point. Our customers don't relate to fake.
What should have been said is something like this:
You guys, I had a rough day today. It was one of the days where you just feel like everything that happens is a direct attack on your ability to smile. Have you had those? The kids, the husband...all of it. Pity. Party of One. I realized about 1/3 of the way through my full on feeling-sorry-for-myself session that I needed to change my attitude. Enter Stress Away (which basically smells like you think a beach would) and Tranquil. I was able to take some time and recover, thus saving my day. I know that seems too good to be true. Trust me, I get you, but if you find yourself the victim of your day and want a way out, this is calling your name. What do you guys do to turn a day around? I've been thinking of trying some guided meditation as well.
Does this take more time? Yep.
Does it touch on your pain point? Yep.
Have you also made it about your potential customer? Yep.
That first example is just a regurgitation. It's the tell and sell tactic. All you're doing is going through the same schpeel hoping you can tell your people what to do in order to sell them, when what you need to do is more listening.
Take the time. Don't be a Crocodile.
Beware of the opposite where you basically ask for a sale and then just ask them "so what's wrong with you?" or "what's wrong with your health?"
AAAAAAWWWWKKKKWWWAAARRRRDDDD. We need to ask questions but it needs to be part of a conversation.
Most likely someone will say, "tell me more about this" or "I need that, too," something like that. Here's the best way to tease out pain points in that conversation.
1. Connect over what initially brought them to talk to you
2. Let them know what you do. Tell them VERY BRIEFLY...I MEAN IT...BRIEFLY, your unique selling proposition. Something like, "So look, I'm a Young Living member and I'm happy to help you find some oils that will work for you. I work really hard to make sure you have all the information you want to have and that you understand how to use them from the second they hit your doorstep. I'm not a hit-it-and-quit-it girl. I'm here to help. Teaching new people about oils is one of my favorite parts of my job"
3. Ask open-ended questions that you're genuinely curious about as it pertains to what they're dealing with and the product you sell. Let them tell their story to you. Connect with them. GET THEM.
4. If you can, let them know they're not the first customer you've had that has had this issue. Normalize their pain point.
5. Transition into the sale using something like "what I've found..." "What I've found is that moms are prone to sitting in their house and hiding the stress and the mess that comes along with just being a mom. I know that's true for me. That's where the oils can come in and at least make smiling a little easier when what you really want to do is strangle a child. Knowwhatimean?"
6. Connect the product directly to their issue. Let them talk, joke with them or empathize with them if if their pain point is ACTUAL PAIN. "I really think you should give Panaway and Copaiba a try together, I have customers that have had the best results with it and I truly believe it could be good for you as well."
Remember to resist the urge to talk over them...even on social media. Just let them talk to you. Be brief in your words and to the point. Remember they're humans. They want their pain to be understood. If people don't know why they're inquiring, it's up to you to figure it out through good questions because there IS a reason.
"Everybody has pain points. If you find out what your prospects' problems are, you’ve answered the question, 'Why Buy Anything?' Importantly, once you tease out some problems, you can begin to pivot the conversation to your solution and how it may solve their problem."