Natural Home
Reveal This Path To Toxin-Free Living
Make your home a warm, pure sanctuary. Discover how to create a healthier environment for you and your family, and live a lifestyle of wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Reveal This Path To Toxin-Free Living
Make your home a warm, pure sanctuary. Discover how to create a healthier environment for you and your family, and live a lifestyle of wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Reveal This Path Now

Meet Us!

Welcome to our Website!  

Who are we and how in the world did we ever get involved with Young Living Essential Oils?  Great question!  We lived in a small city in New Hampshire for almost 30 years before moving to Rural Vermont.  Jim is a Medical Device Quality Engineer and I am a Special Educator by trade.    We have three children, one still at home, one married with 4 beautiful grandchildren living in the beautiful state of Washington and our eldest son who lives in Delaware.  In January 2014, a blog I followed did an article about essential oils and asked if anyone wanted to come to a Facebook class to learn more.  I learned that we could, eliminate toxins from our home and take a pro-active role in our health and wellbeing. Because my youngest is medically fragile at times, it is important for us to have a clean and yet healthy environment.  I have always promoted clean eating and growing and preserving as much of our food chain as we could.   I began to read and research these amazing products and discovered that they were the best kept secret! So I started sharing what I was learning with my friends and family….and before I knew it, I found myself in a leadership position.  Young Living has provided a wonderful opportunity, for us as parents and grandparents to  lead by example.  With the knowledge we’ve gained, our health has improved and we live a cleaner, more wholesome life.  Young Living has improved our lives in innumerable ways and we are excited to share YL with you. 
